
Wann / when

30.08. - 02.09.2018 (zur Anmeldung – register here)

Wo / where

Strandbad bei Stendal (Anfahrt) - Achtung: gebt bitte Stendal in Euer Navi ein und erst kurz vor dem Ziel, ca. 30 Min vor Ankunft: Hassel/Wischer - Es gibt ein zweites Strandbad Wischer, und da möchte man nicht hinfahren ;-)

Our location is a beach bath at a natural lake with a sandy beach near Stendal in Germany (directions) - Please note: When using a navigation system, please enter Stendal in Sachsen-Anhalt and change the destination to Strandbad Wischer in Hassel/Wischer only shortly before you arrive. Otherwise you might end up in the wrong place, because there is another village with the same name somewhere else in Germany ;-)

Wer / who

180 Spieler und 90 NSC / 180 players and 90 NPCs

Wieviel / how much

119 Euro für Spieler und 44 Euro für NSC - Conzahler (nur nach Absprache und vorheriger Anmeldung möglich) 140 Euro für Spieler und 50 Euro für NSC

Tickets can be purchased at a price of 119 Euro for players and 44 Euro for NPCs and should be payed in advance.

If you need to pay upon arrival at the event, the price will be 140 Euro for players and 50 Euro for NPCs. Please note that in this case it is also necessary to register beforehand and let us know that you are coming (just give us a call).

Überweisung / payment

Gib bei der Überweisung bitte als Verwendungszweck Deinen echten Namen sowie AL BAHRA 6 an.

Please pay your ticket in advance by transfer to the bank account stated below. Please remember to put your real name (not your character‘s name) and the words AL BAHRA 6 as reference.

Bank-Info / bank account info:
Charisma e.V.
IBAN: DE79 1203 0000 1020 0783 56
Deutsche Kreditbank Berlin

Verpflegung / food&drink

Spieler: Selbstverpfleger - Verpflegungsdeal buchbar bei der großartigen Trosstaverne

In diesem Deal erhaltet Ihr 3 großartige Mahlzeiten passend zum Setting.

Bitte IT-Geschirr selbst mitbringen oder bei der lieben Trosstaverne anfragen, die haben Geschirr-Deals für Euch.

Players: You can bring your own food or book a meal deal with the Trosstaverne (including 3 tasty, oriental-inspired meals a day). Please bring your own dishes, cups, cutlery...

NSC: Vollverpflegung (Frühstück, warmes Abendbrot + ständig Snacks und kaltes Essen während des Tages plus Wasser, Tee und Kaffee).

NPC: Your ticket price includes a meal deal with breakfast and warm dinner as well as snacks and cold food during the day and free water, tea and coffee.

Unterbringung / where to stay

In eigenen Zelten auf Sand (keine Outtime Zelte erlaubt), bitte denkt an Sandheringe und ambientige Beleuchtung für Euer Zelt.

Großzügig angelegte (neu renovierte!) Sanitäranlagen mit WCs, Waschräumen und Duschen.

Duschmarken kosten 1 Euro - Leider…lohnt sich aber :-)

Feuerholz kann vor Ort gekauft werden, bitte Feuerschalen mitbringen. Müll muss bitte wieder mitgenommen werden.

You will be staying in your own in-game tents, which are required to be in-game-style tents (no plastic, sorry). Please remember that you will be camping on sand, so you might need extra long tent pegs. Also, please don’t forget to bring some nice, oriental style lamps and candles for lighting up your tent and the alleys of the oasis at night.

Our location has toilets, showers and washing rooms for dishes also. For using the showers you will need to buy a water token for 1 Euro each – sorry for that, but it‘s worth its money ;)

Firewood can be bought at the location. For making fires, you are required to bring your own fire bowl or brazier. It is not allowed to make fires directly on the ground or sand.

Please remember that we expect you to take your garbage with you after the event.


DKWDDK mit Hollywoodregel plus Ergänzungen (Basar)

Generally speaking we play by two simple rules: Everything that you can convincingly act or show, is possible. Always keep in mind to make a scene as catching and dramatic as possible, just as you would like to see in a movie. For more info check the basar (documents in German).

Aufsichtspflicht PDF / parent consent form for participants younger than 18

Dear international players,

we’re very happy to have you! Welcome to our Arabian nights fairytale! If you have any problems to navigate our website or need any information regarding registration, playstyle, background or else – please give us a call (you can find the phone number HERE). We’re very happy to help, translate or find solutions for anything. Mind you though, that the main language spoken at the LARP event will be German. We’re very happy to help with in-game translators and all the players in general should be able to answer in English, once approached. So don’t hesitate to pack your camels and visit our magical little oasis “Al Bahra” (pronounced: AL BACHRA) in the “Land of the Eternal Sand”.